Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Finance 2 (WASH-FIN 2)


Mobilizing finance provides project preparation and transaction advisory services for public and private finance. The program also includes options for catalytic grant funding, de-risking, and yield enhancements to attract additional financial partners.

Advancing global learning and partnerships focuses on improved coordination and knowledge sharing across the sector. WASH-FIN 2 occupies an important place in the USAID global research and learning agenda and the outcomes of each country-level engagement will be promoted in global forums and through online publications.

India, Ghana, and Kenya are the initial focus countries with additional buy-ins expected. The activity builds upon the successes of USAID’s WASH-FIN programming from 2016-2022 across 10 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Improving access to water supply and sanitation services for municipalities. Photo Credit: DFID/Russell Watkins


WASH-FIN Toolkit WASH-FIN Toolkit

Between 2016–2022, USAID’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Finance (WASH-FIN) Activity developed this curated collection of training materials and tools from its diverse engagements with governments, sector regulators, public and private service…
WASH-FIN Final Report WASH-FIN Final Report
Program Report

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Finance (WASH-FIN) program in early 2016 to address the substantial financing gap hindering the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6…
Kenya Non-Sewered Sanitation (NSS) Financing Enabling Environment Assessment Kenya Non-Sewered Sanitation (NSS) Financing Enabling Environment Assessment
Technical Report

This Enabling Environment Assessment (EEA) sought to understand the enabling environment gaps in Kenya's non-sewered sanitation (NSS) sector, particularly focusing on the key barriers and enablers. NSS is a segment of sanitation infrastructure and…
India Enabling Environments Assessment India Enabling Environments Assessment
Technical Report

Municipalities in India have traditionally received grants and loans from national and state government or government-owned lending agencies for infrastructure investment. These traditional sources of funding have not kept pace with urban population…

Closing financial gaps for global water supply and sanitation services in Africa. Photo Credit: Renate Wefers


A Bright Spot in Meeting Water Needs: Using Solar to Scale for Success in Northern Kenya A Bright Spot in Meeting Water Needs: Using Solar to Scale for Success in Northern Kenya

World Water Day 2023 is about Accelerating Change. This theme is on the agenda at the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, where leaders gather to reflect on progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. This…

Closing financial gaps for global water supply and sanitation services in Africa. Photo Credit: Renate Wefers


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A leading provider of high-end consulting and engineering services with 40 years of experience working with USAID to expand access to water and sanitation services.

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Experience strengthening sector financing frameworks, pioneering utility turnaround methods, and experts in WASH investment models and securing access to climate finance.

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Leaders in communications and knowledge management, adaptive management, and global learning.

Planet Partnerships Logo

Expertise improving WASH public-private partnership (PPPs) policies and designing viable PPP investments.

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Skilled in legal and regulatory support, capacity building, and improving WSSP governance, budgeting, and financial performance.

Contact Us

Ella Lazarte, Contracting Officer’s Representatives, [email protected]

Alyssa Boyer, Chief of Party, [email protected]

Reliable clean water supply is the basis for good hygiene practice in Kenya. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock