Planning for Resilience in East Africa through Policy, Adaptation, Research, and Economic Development (PREPARED)

The PREPARED Project was a five year initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen the resilience and sustainability of East Africa economies, transboundary and freshwater ecosystems and communities targeting three key development challenges of East Africa. These were also high priority areas for the U.S. Government (USG), which includes climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Activity Description

Activity Description

USAID/EA assisted both the EAC Secretariat and LVBC to strengthen their institutional capacity to identify, plan, and respond to a wide array of regional climate change issues. A set of self-assessment tools, training and mentoring programs were developed to define the skills and capacities required to implement adaptation measures at regional, national and local levels. PREPARE developed information networks and management systems to strengthen regional coordination and collaboration in adaptive policymaking, planning, and programming.

In support of EAC’s operationalization of a Regional Climate Change Fund, PREPARED assisted the Secretariat to become an accredited Regional Implementing Entity (RIE). EAC was then be eligible for funding from the Global Adaptation Fund.

PREPARED addressed key threats to trans-boundary ecosystems with high biodiversity value. Intervention included monitoring and mitigating threats to water quantity and quality. A key output was an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework for holistic, adaptive management of trans-boundary freshwater ecosystems in East Africa.

PREPARED therefore provided institutional support to the LVBC, local government units, and water and sanitation service providers to support integrating WASH with biodiversity conservation and climate change resiliency efforts. These efforts ensured compliance with USAID WASH earmark requirements as well as complement WASH activities of other donors.


Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

PREPARED expects to:

  • Increase climate change adaptation technical capacity, policy leadership and action readiness of regional institutions improved;
  • Improve resilience and sustainability of management of biologically significant trans-boundary freshwater ecosystems in the EAC region strengthened; and
  • Improve Resilience and sustainability water supply, sanitation, and wastewater treatment services in the Lake Victoria Basin enhanced.

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes


  • Assisted in mapping the Mara River Basin and house all the GIS data gathered is stored for easy use by partners and regional offices.
  • Conducted research that helped guide the planning for a third phase of the EFA in 2010-2012, which involved expansion of the activity into the Tanzanian side of the basin.
  • Created the Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (BSAP) for regional watershed protection, reduction of environmental degradation, protection and management of biodiversity.
  • 35,987 people benefited from WASH education interventions; 19,235 received access to sanitation; and 4,340 people received training
  • The Mara River Water User’s Association (MRWUA) was formed whose activities included providing safe drinking water to schools, the protection of springs, the construction of cattle troughs, the formation of drama clubs to promote good sanitation practices and the training of spring management committees.