PEPAM (Programme Eau Potable et Assainissement)/ Millennium Water and Sanitation program (PEPAM)

As in many West Africa countries, the availability of water governs the conditions of life for Senegal's rural population. A harsh climate and uncertain rainfall threaten food security and drive rural-urban migration, which further decreases food production while overburdening water and sanitation infrastructure and worsening social conditions. For years, these conditions have trapped the population in a cycle of poverty and disease. This has been particularly true in the Casamance region, in the southwest corner of the country, where a longstanding, low-level conflict has resulted in the destruction of the rural water and sanitation infrastructure and left the population dependent on scarce and unsafe water sources and few improved sanitation facilities.

Recognizing that inadequate water and sanitation are major barriers to growth, the Government of Senegal is focusing on meeting the Millennium Development Goals for water and sanitation as a key part of its poverty reduction and economic development plan. In 2005, the government decreed a $1 billion program, which is known by its French acronym PEPAM.

Read the post-project evaluation: Evaluation Report: Millennium Water and Sanitation Program (PEPAM/USAID) Ex-Post Evaluation


Activity Description

Activity Description

The project implementation approaches include (1) establishment of management committees at each site; (2) partnerships with Local NGOs/CBOs; (3) participatory planning; (4) design and dissemination of tools; (5) capacity strengthening; (6) signature of commitment letters; (7) demand generation; (8) promotion of sustainable and low-cost solutions; (9) promotion of community led total sanitation (CLTS) activities; (10) hygiene promotion campaigns; and (11) implementation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools as part of the integrated approach.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

• Local management of WSS
• Increased demand for services relating to water supply and sanitation
• Strengthened local capacities for services relating to water supply and sanitation
• Water and sanitation infrastructure are constructed / rehabilitated
• Local management of WASH promotion is improved by using CLTS and WASH in schools.

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

• 11,100 people from 68 villages and 4,493 students from 24 schools have access to good quality and sustainable drinking water;
• 68 water boreholes with manual pumps installed.
• 108 villages have achieved ODF status and maintain good hygiene practices.
• 28,300 beneficiaries from the 108 CLTS villages enrolled in the project have access to improved sanitation; 2,405 latrines built (1,305 new and 1,100 rehabilitated).
• 1,800 pupils and 275 teachers at 10 schools in the three regions have access to sanitation improved through the construction of sanitary blocks at schools.
• The project contributed to strengthening the local economy by training and using local mining companies at the level of the target villages, and 216 masons, craftsmen or master craftsmen for latrines.
• The project trained 67 village committees in the administrative and financial management of the water points. These committees have been trained in hygiene promotion activities that continue good hand washing practices, maintaining ODF status and improving the environmental conditions of the village.
• The project has involved 3 local NGOs that continue CLTS activities since the project was completed, using the tools and methodology developed by the USAID / PEPAM program.

2009 - 2014
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus