USAID REAL-Water Explores the Impact of the Water Quality Assurance Fund on Ghana's Water Sector Formalization


Bono and Ahafo Region, Ghana — Ensuring the safety and quality of drinking water supplies is a pressing concern for public health. While urban areas often benefit from established procedures for water quality monitoring, rural regions frequently lack resources and expertise. This article, produced by USAID’s REAL-Water Activity, explores how a rural water innovation is shifting the communal mindset from "water is life" to "safe water is life," emphasizing the importance of water quality and the heightened expectations for water operators. It also highlights the unique challenge that researchers face in meeting the growing demand for solutions, which often outpaces the rate at which they are able to complete their evaluations. The article elaborates on this “researcher’s dilemma” and its implications.

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Produced By
Vanessa Guenther, Caroline Delaire
10 pages
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