Reaching Universal Access with Market-Based Sanitation


The USAID Transform WASH team knows a lot about its customers and the performance of its business partners. However, only limited information is available about non-customers. This assessment, in line with the area-wide sanitation (AWS) framework, aims to describe progress towards universal coverage achieved through market-based sanitation and to identify population groups that may have been left out and remain without adequate sanitation services.

The research questions for this study are:

  • Coverage of improved sanitation. What are the current sanitation service levels and how have they changed over the past years?
  • Knowledge of improved sanitation options. What T/WASH products are known and how does knowledge translate into usage of improved sanitation facilities?
  • Exposure of households to promotional activities. Which households have been reached with messages to invest in upgrading their sanitation facilities?
  • Quality of sanitation facilities. What is the quality of the existing sanitation facilities?

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Technical Report
Publication Date
Produced By
USAID Transform WASH
21 pages
Related Countries