In rural Kenya, where only 35 percent of households have access to safe drinking water, Margaret worried about the quality of the water she carried home each day from a borehole near the village of Lumino.
Pit latrines, a common form of on-site sanitation in low-income settings, can collapse in areas with unstable soils, in flood-prone areas, or when they contain excess moisture.
This learning brief, produced by USAID’s PROWASH & SCALE activity presents how the home improvement campaign (HIC) approach can motivate households to share resourc
When it comes to public-private partnerships, you’ve heard the cliches: “It takes a village;” “We can’t do it alone;” “Two are better than one.” With 2030 fast approaching and with Sustainable Development Goal 6 (access to water and sanitation for
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is essential to understanding the barriers, successes, and progress made toward achieving area-wide sanitation and hygiene outcomes.
Understanding and addressing the human resource needs (HR) and gaps in the sanitation and hygiene sector is a critical part of achieving universal access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene.