Climate-Smart Territories as Management Approach for Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Projects in Peru

Photo Credits: 2019 CATIE

Strengthening Local Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation in the Hualgayoc high-Andes Ecosystems strengthens local government capacity to design and implement climate change adaptation plans and policies and strengthens capacity for integrated management of the Hualgayoc and Tingo-Maygasbamba watersheds.

Generate tools to help the population adapt to climate change, through the formulation of public investment projects using a Climate Smart Territory (CST) approach to protect mountain water resources, improve the livelihoods of the communities and reduce the risks caused by external weather events.

Strengthen partnerships among academic institutions, regional and local governments, as well as the farming communities to address the challenges of adaptation to climate change and developing resilience in the Junín Region.

Activity Description

Activity Description

This component has three activities:

  1. Public outreach, harmonization and coordination of project actions.
  2. Development of a diagnosis regarding the risks of climate variability and change, adaptation and resilience of the natural and social domain of the Shullcas River sub-basin.
  3. Preparation of the Management Plan for the Shullcas River sub-basin, considering the risks of climate variability and change, adaptation and resilience of the natural and social domain.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes
  1. The users have updated information available on the risks from climate variability and change.
  2. Local actors with capacities in CST approach strategies for adaptation to the impacts of climate change.
  3. Local Platform formed and operating to address the problems of climate change.
  4. Public investment and funding secured for adaptation to climate change.
  5. Local actors use information on adaptation to climate change with a CST approach.