The Case for Source Water Protection in WASH Systems: Entry Points and Opportunities


While the business case for investing in source water protection has become increasingly clearer, there are many hurdles that need to be addressed by basin and WASH managers, affected communities and the private sector, and local government officials. In light of these challenges, source water protection requires more than resource mobilization. Four crosscutting and interrelated recommendations for mitigating challenges to elevating source water protection within WASH emerged from case studies in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Peru and Honduras.

  1. Basin managers and WASH providers need to define shared goals for source water protection.
  2. Source water protection efforts should be informed by the sources of demand and types of water users within the WASH district and basin.
  3. Multisector stakeholder collaboration can make source water protection measures more sustainable.
  4. Funding must be sustained and resources effectively allocated for sustainable source water protection.

This resource was produced by USAID's Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP).

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Technical Report
Publication Date
Produced By
USAID/Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP)
Basil Mahayni, Tetra Tech and USAID Sustainable Water Partnership
Josh Goldstein, The Nature Conservancy
Kelly Latham, Water For People
Kimberly Lemme, Water For People
Gena Gammie, Forest Trends
Kate Harawa, Water For People-Malawi
Grace Kanweri, Water For People-Uganda
Azucena Serrano, Water For People-Honduras
28 pages