Photo credit: USAID
The Global Handwashing Partnership is a coalition that brings together the expertise, experience, ideas, resources, and reach of the public and private sectors around the world to promote handwashing with soap. We recognize hygiene as a pillar of international development and health as an easy, effective, and affordable “do-it-yourself vaccine” that prevents infections and saves lives.
The Global Handwashing Partnership helps practitioners harness the latest research and thinking about handwashing and behavior change by sharing information about key topics in handwashing; developing education modules; hosting webinars; and publishing quarterly handwashing research summaries. The resource library on the Global Handwashing Partnership website contains a number of resources and tools related to handwashing, behavior change, program implementation, hygiene advocacy, cross-sectoral integration (e.g. WASH, nutrition, education, public health), and more, enabling academics, practitioners, and the general public to improve handwashing with soap programs and advocate on behalf of hygiene. Popular resource library materials include monitoring and evaluation toolkits, case studies, and handwashing promotion materials.
For more information on the Global Handwashing Partnership, click here.