WASHPaLS #2 Request for Expressions of Interest: Achieving Rural Safely Managed Sanitation Services

WASHPaLS #2 Request for Expressions of Interest: Achieving Rural Safely Managed Services

USAID’s WASHPaLS #2 activity is soliciting Requests for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for achieving rural safely managed sanitation services (SMSS). REOI 02 focuses on achieving rural SMSS centered around three core themes: 

  1. Latrine pit design and modifications; 
  2. Strengthening local capacity and engagement for rural SMSS; and 
  3. Management and treatments models for rural fecal sludge management (FSM). 

Under REOI 02, WASHPaLS #2 will fund up to eight (8) awards between $100,000-$225,000 for a period of 12-15 months. Criteria and focus of the activity are included in the solicitation.

The full solicitation can be found here.

  • March 22, 2024: Questions due
  • April 19, 2024: EOI submission due
Event Date(s)