Senegal Projet Assainissement – Changement de Comportement et Eau pour le Senegal (ACCES)
Assainissement – Changement de Comportement et Eau pour le Senegal (ACCES) is a 5-year, $22 million program awarded to Natural Resources Consulting Engineers (NRCE) in 2016 to achieve improvements in nutrition through investments in water, sanitation, and hygiene in six of the most malnourished regions of Senegal. Activities will test and implement proven state-of-the-art approaches and increase sustainability. Other activities will support achievement of the Mission’s Country Development and Coordination Strategy (CDCS) Results Framework. Implementing partners include: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Population Services International (PSI), Impaq, Montgomery Watson Harza (MWH), and Caritas.
NRCE received the award under a Water and Development IDIQ (WADI) Task Order.
Activity Description
The goal of the project to increase sustainable access to improved water and sanitation services and improve adoption of hygiene practices in targeted communities for improved health and nutritional status, especially among women and children. PSI, along with L’Agence pour le Développement du Marketing Social (ADEMAS), is a Senegalese non-profit, is the lead implementer on the project. to help improve WASH services in six regions of Senegal. This objective will be achieved through the following outputs, with PSI/ADEMAS being the lead implementer:
- Generate demand for WASH products and services.
- Increase market-based provision of WASH products and services.
- Improve provision and management of multiple use water services.
- Improve the enabling environment for equitable delivery of WASH services.