The USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded Budikadidi Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and led by Catholic Relief Services, has pivoted water management and governance,
While schools are primarily centers for students' learning, they also serve as foundations for development, including social and economic safety nets, in their communities.
In 2015, after a decade of approaching rural sanitation by subsidizing latrine construction with minimal results, the Government of Senegal launched a new strategy for rural sanitation defined by a transfer of responsibility for the acquisition of
Many of the families who farm small, unirrigated plots in the tropics already struggle against poverty, degraded land, and rainfall that varies from year to year.
Assainissement – Changement de Comportement et Eau pour le Senegal (ACCES) is a 5-year, $22 million program awarded to Natural Resources Consulting Engineers (NRCE) in 2016 to achieve improvements in nutrition through
The 5-year Feed the Future (FtF), Nigeria Livelihoods Project (2013–2018), implemented by Catholic Relief Service, supported impoverished households in Nigeria to boost their agriculture production and incomes, and improve nutritio
The CRS DFSA in Ethiopia is funded by the USAID Office of Food for Peace to sustain and build on the previous food security improvements achieved under the Productive Safety Net Programme, or PSNP, the Government of Ethiopia’s rural saf
Fararano is a five-year, USAID Food for Peace Development Food Assistance program whose goal is to reduce food insecurity in 48 communes in three of the most vulnerable regions in Madagascar: Atsinanana, Vatovavy, Fitovinany, and Atsimo Andrefana.