Northern Karamoja Growth, Health, and Governance Program (GHG)

The 1.2 million inhabitants of the Karamoja sub-region of northeastern Uganda face a slow crisis produced by the breakdown of their traditional agro-pastoralist livelihood strategy, repeated climactic shocks and ongoing insecurity from cattle raiding. The decay of social norms and institutions, such as elder authority and the meaningful, active role of young men and women in tribal culture, inevitably accompany the crisis, as does malnutrition for children, high rates of gender based violence, and gender inequality. It is difficult to overstate the challenges facing the Karamojong.

Activity Description

Activity Description

The Northern Karamoja Growth, Health and Governance (GHG) project was designed to capitalize on this pivotal moment through a range of economic, health, and governance initiatives that will cement the gains from increased security and build a foundation for broader self-sufficiency, while well targeted food aid for pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two hastens the process of transition from decades of food aid by filling nutrition deficits in highly food insecure households.GHG’s geographical focus includes the northernmost three Karamojong districts of Kaabong, Kotido and Abim, home to approximately 540,000 individuals.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes
  • Improved productivity and market access among male and female agriculturalists, agro pastoralists, and pastoralists
  • Business investment environment stabilized
  • Access to quality maternal and child health care improved
  • Increased consumption of nutritious foods for households
2012 - 2017
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus