Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Penyehatan Lingkungan untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS)
The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Penyehatan, Lingkungan untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) project is a five-year, $39.6 million initiative designed to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and vulnerable populations. IUWASH PLUS works in close collaboration with governmental agencies at all levels, donor agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities, and others to achieve:
- Increased access to improved water supply service for 1 million people in urban areas of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40 percent of the population (also referred to as the “bottom 40 percent” or “B40”)
- Increased access to safely managed sanitation for 500,000 people in urban areas
USAID IUWASH PLUS works with 32 local governments across Indonesia located in eight provinces: North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, and Papua, and two special areas in DKI Jakarta and Tangerang District. The project is a follow-on to the first IUWASH project, which ran from 2010–2016.
Strengthening WASH Financing in Indonesia for a Cleaner, Healthier Future (FY 2017 Project Profile)
Activity Description
To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, USAID IUWASH PLUS focuses on strengthening service delivery systems so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale, USAID IUWASH PLUS undertakes activities through four interrelated components, including:
- Improving household WASH services;
- Strengthening city WASH institutional performance;
- Strengthening the WASH financing environment; and
- Advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication.
In support of the above, USAID IUWASH PLUS also manages a Local Sustainability and Innovation (LSIC) activity.