Delivering Safely-managed Water to Schools in Kenya


This report presents the status of school WASH services in Kitui County, Kenya, drawing on a survey of 1,887 primary and secondary schools in 2019. The authors evaluate water resource risks in the county to understand how climate anomalies affect rainwater harvesting for schools and the influence of geology on groundwater quality. The report considers policy responses to guide new thinking on the delivery of safely-managed water services. The latter is informed by the performance of a professional maintenance service provider guaranteeing rapid repairs to hand pumps and small piped systems within days, and monthly monitoring of water quality.


Publication Date
Produced By
Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership
Hope, R., Katuva, J., Nyaga, C., Koehler, J., Charles, K., Nowicki, S., Dyer, E., Olago, D.,Tanui, F., Trevett, A., Thomas, M., and Gladstone, N.
56 pages
Implementing Partners
Population Focus
Related Countries
