The Haiti Title II Multi Year Assistance Programs (MYAP) Final Evaluation Report


For several decades, the U.S. Government, in collaboration with several international private volunteer organizations (PVOs), has supported a number of food security projects in Haiti using U.S. Public Law 480 Title II resources with a view to improving food security throughout the country. The strategic objectives of the most recent Multi Year Assistance Programs (MYAPs) in Haiti, as stated by USAID in 2007, are: Improved Nutritional and Health Status of Targeted Vulnerable Groups, and Improved Productive and Profitable Livelihoods for Vulnerable Groups.

These two strategic objectives are to be achieved through five key interventions:

  • Improve the nutritional and health practices of targeted vulnerable populations
  • Improve the quality of and access to health services
  • Increase food production and household assets
  • Enhance market-based livelihoods
  • Rehabilitate natural resource resiliency and local response capabilities
Produced By
International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Bechir Rassas, Louis Herns Marcelin, Bernard Crenn, Felipe Tejeda
263 pages
Population Focus
Related Countries
