Integrated Service Delivery Project (ISDP)

Trained community leader disseminating key messages on the importance of antenatal care.

ISDP aims to provide support for creating sustainable, strong health care facilities in Ezo, and Yambio counties that will improve quality of services and access, especially for women and children.

Activity Description

Activity Description

Under ISDP, MCHIP supports the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in the provision of the minimum package of integrated primary health care services. The project operates in South Sudan’s two most populous states, Central Equatoria State (CES) and Western Equatoria State (WES). By the end of the ISDP, MCHIP will, in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and USAID, ensure the presence of standardized, equipped, staffed and functional health facilities that are able to provide the minimum package of high-quality primary health care services and increase community access to information and services.

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

ISDP has acomplished the following in each provience:


  • Provision of basic equipment to the Health facilities within the project area has been done as a contribution to improve quality of the health care services delivery.
  • During this reporting period the DPT3 coverage shows that children vaccinated against DPT3 were 1440 and those vaccinated against DPT2 were 1781, a substantial increase from the previous quarter.
  • Total number of 536 households reached with hygiene and behavior change messages and the topics covered Included the following…..XXXX


  • During the reporting quarter, a total of 6,648 children under five were treated for various illnesses • 55 new family planning users, attributable to ongoing awareness creation and approaching FP from an integrated service delivery point of view.
  •  47 HHPs conducted hygiene and behavior change activities focusing on WASH software activities.
2012 - 2016
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus
Activity Topics