Coral Triangle Initiative

The Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) is a multilateral partnership founded on the commitment of the six Coral Triangle countries to safeguard coastal and marine resources and communities. Despite increased investment and efforts by governments and organizations to improve management, the condition of the resources continues to decline. Coral reefs and fisheries, the source of invaluable ecological and socioeconomic benefits, are being subjected to increasing threats from population growth in coastal areas, overfishing, and changes in oceanographic conditions, including increase in sea surface temperature and ocean acidification, resulting from climate change.

Regional commitment and cooperation is expected to catalyze, expand, and sustain national and local level implementation efforts through the CTI Regional Plan of Action. Within the broad framework of the CTI Regional Plan of Action, the six countries have developed National Plans of Action, and are working together to identify and implement those actions that require regional cooperation. CTI thus encompasses a distinctively regional approach, building on country-driven priorities and actions.

The US CTI Support Program represents the US Government’s commitment to support the efforts of the six Coral Triangle countries (CT6) Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. The Program is composed of team members from USAID, the US State Department and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and projects funded by these entities. USAID Asia serves as the program lead and provides overall management of the program in coordination with USAID Washington D.C. and other key USAID missions in the Philippines, Indonesia and Timor-Leste, and USAID Pacific as well as the U.S. State Department. USAID Asia supports implementation through the Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP) implemented by a consortium of NGOs composed of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and Conservation International (CI). The U.S. Department of State supported the CTI Regional Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia through a grant provided to the NGO Consortium and managed by TNC and continues to support CTI efforts through political support and other engagement.

Activity Description

Activity Description
  • Developing regional learning networks that strengthen the ability of organizations in the region to regularly share knowledge and apply lessons learned in the USCTI thematic areas
  • Supporting these organizations to realize local-level improvements in coastal and fisheries resources management that are catalyzed through regional learning
  • Facilitating the establishment of public-private sector strategies to build constituencies
  • Strengthening regional policies through senior-level dialogues

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes
  • Regional and national platforms strengthened to catalyze and sustain integrated marine and coastal management in the Coral Triangle;
  • Ecosystems approach to fisheries management improved in CT countries;
  • Marine protected area management improved in CT countries; and
  • Capacity to adapt to climate change improved in CT countries

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes
  • Systems Developed and Implemented to Enhance Coordination and Information Sharing
  • Programmatic Support to the CTI Summit in Manadao, Indonesia
  • Regional Exchanges to Strengthen Capacity of CT Institutions
2009 - 2014
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus

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