Advancing Adolescent Health (A2H)

An Adolescent Leader speaks her peers about topics related to sexual and reproductive health.

The USAID-funded Advancing Adolescent Health (A2H) project was a three-year program (2016-2019) designed to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and family planning knowledge, access, and use of related services for married and unmarried adolescents in Bangladesh. The A2H program was implemented in eight upazilas and three wards in the city corporation of the Rangpur district.

Activity Description

Activity Description

The project was structured to allow for multilevel interventions targeting specific married and unmarried girls and boys ages 10 to 19, as well as key community gatekeepers and health service providers. The project sought to increase the demand for quality ASRH and family planning services, as well as encourage delayed marriage, healthy birth spacing, and improving health services and facilities.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

A4H expects:

  •  To deliver ASRH, family planning, nutrition, and life skills training to married and unmarried adolescents age 10 to 19;
  •  To strengthen adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health, family planning, and confidential counseling services in both government and community health centers; and
  • To engage key community gatekeepers to become resources and advocates for the prevention of child marriage, delayed age at first birth, and healthy birth spacing, as well as increase the utilization of improved health, sexual and reproductive health, and family planning services by adolescents.

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

Thus far A4H has found that: 

  • 307,914 adolescent girls and boys, received life skills training;
  • 50,300 adolescents received sexual and reproductive health services from Union Health and Family Welfare Centers (UH & FWC) and Community Clinics (CC);
  • 3,632 married adolescents and newlywed couples were educated on family planning, contraception, birth spacing, and birth registration;
  • 4,830 religious leaders were oriented on adolescent sexual and reproductive health;
  •  53,702 parents and community leaders were oriented and engaged to promote sexual reproductive health; and
  •  250 adolescent girls from marginalized families were engaged in economic empowerment activities.


2016 - 2019
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Activity Topics