Working Together for Water Security in Cambodia


Population growth, deforestation, agricultural pollution and climate variability are threatening water security in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit River Watershed. To address these issues, the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) is implementing a stakeholder-driven water-security improvement process.

SWP, which is implemented by Winrock International, and partners have conducted studies to determine the condition of water quality, biodiversity and water infrastructure in the area, and developed a hydrological model of the watershed. Using this data, SWP is working with a committee of government and community leaders as they make plans for how to address these challenges and enhance water security in the region going forward.

To learn more about the Stung Chinit, its people and SWP’s work there, view the video below.

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Produced By
USAID/Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP)
Knowles Adkisson
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