Filling evidence gaps in the water security, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector is critical to accomplish the goals set out in USAID’s Water and Development Plan under the U.S. Government Global Water Strategy. After undertaking a comprehensive and consultative process to identify and prioritize evidence gaps associated with its WASH programming approaches, USAID is launching the first-ever Water for the World Implementation Research Agenda to coordinate, integrate, and inspire research and learning in the WASH sector.
USAID intends to use the research agenda to guide new and existing WASH research activities and to promote evidence generation and learning within Mission WASH programming. The agenda will be used to prioritize evidence generation across the broader sector, catalyzing and focusing others’ investments, and ultimately helping to drive improvements in the effectiveness of WASH programming writ large.
Download the Water for the World Implementation Research Agenda here.
Read more about the Water for the World Implementation Research Agenda in our blog on