Reform of the Urban Water and Sanitation Sectors in South Sudan – Project Final Report


The Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) program, implemented from 2009 to 2015, was a regional initiative to foster the transformation of water and sanitation delivery services in Africa to achieve their long-term financial sustainability through the application of market-based principles. SUWASA was designed to improve access to safe, reliable, affordable, and sustainable water and sanitation services for unserved and underserved urban populations in sub-Sahara Africa. The program fostered urban water sector reforms to solve policy, institutional, regulatory, financial, and operational challenges that hindered the effective delivery of sustainable water and sanitation services for urban residents in nine African nations: Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia.

This report presents the final wrap-up of the SUWASA project in South Sudan, implemented over a 42 month period to promote a structured, formal and systems-oriented approach to urban water and sanitation sector management. The project started on September 11, 2011 and assisted South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC) and its Urban Water Stations (UWC) in WA and Marili. It worked towards achieving long-term sustainability by adopting policies and practices based on commercial principles. In April 2013, a sanitation component was added to the project with the objective of raising the understanding of the prevailing sanitation situation including the institutional setting and defining a way to promote public and private financing for sanitation in Juba City.



Program Report
Publication Date
Produced By
30 pages
Implementing Partners
Population Focus
Related Countries