Publication Launch: FW-WASH Advocacy Strategy Facilitator's Guide - August 20, 2020

Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) Logos

Reduction of watershed degradation and pollution, and thereby improvement of the health of freshwater ecosystems is one of the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group's (ABCG) key focus areas. In support of the USAID Biodiversity Policy, the ABCG FW-WASH task is linking freshwater conservation and water, sanitation, and hygiene (FW-WASH) to proactively engage diverse, local community actors in advocacy efforts for improved policies.

By linking conservation and development activities, communities and policymakers can mitigate impacts and provide compensation for biodiversity loss to deliver positive conservation outcomes.

The ABCG FW-WASH task collaborated with IRC, a WASH think-and-do tank, to develop a Freshwater Conservation and WASH Advocacy Strategy Workshop Facilitator's Guide. The guide lays out steps for conservation, WASH, and development practitioners to develop an advocacy strategy, messaging, and activities for urging donors, policymakers, and colleagues to unite and join forces for health through conservation and WASH investments.

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