World Water Week 2022: USAID Sessions
Stockholm World Water Week is a full-scale digital event, exploring the theme Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water in 2022. World Water Week is the place to explore new ways of managing water and tackle humanity’s greatest challenges: from food security and health to agriculture, technology, biodiversity, and climate.
USAID had a booth at the World Water Week Exhibition space. Above, you can find a recording of the USAID session “Uncovering the value of WASH research through partnership,” featuring the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability (WASHPaLS) research program, Rural Evidence and Learning for Water (REAL-Water), and Urban resilience by building and Applying New Evidence in WASH (URBAN WASH) in a lively and engaging session. Read the blog.
Below, you will find a recording of the session “Creating new champions: enhancing links to achieve SDG 6”.
Read more about USAID and partner sessions below:
07:00-08:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Mobilizing actions for accelerating universal access to safely managed sanitationThe progress towards universal access to safely managed sanitation is alarmingly off track and it is estimated that efforts need to be quadrupled to achieve the set target by 2030. This session aims at showcasing actions required to promote and achieve universal access to safely managed sanitation. Conveners
09:30-10:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Green Climate Financing Opportunities for Resilient Water Sanitation and HygieneWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services are key to building a water secure world. This session articulates the rationale to increase climate financing to basic WASH services to maximize opportunities for mitigation while ensuring adaptation through building the resilience of basic WASH services and the communities which depend on these. Conveners
11:00-12:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session “On the money”: Innovating finance to enable farmer-led irrigationIrrigation can strengthen resilience, improve nutrition and increase incomes, but low access to technologies has limited growth. Credit access alone will not unlock access to irrigation technologies. Instead, scaling farmer-led irrigation requires changes in a complex finance ecosystem that includes farmers, finance providers, value chain actors and equipment suppliers. Conveners
12:30-13:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Scaling water-energy-food innovations through end-user financing for climate adaptationThis session will introduce end-user financing and define the connection between efficient water usage, climate change adaptation, and agricultural resilience. Panelists and session attendees will discuss end-user financing models like pay-as-you-go, crowdfunding, pay-by-produce, rent-to-own, and value chain financing, and how they increase smallholder farmers’ access to environmentally-friendly, water-energy-food solutions. Conveners
02:30-03:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session The World Shouldn’t Wait Any Longer for Universal Hand HygieneCOVID-19 brought unprecedented attention and resources to hand hygiene, but not all countries are equally positioned to accelerate progress towards universal hand hygiene. This session will equip countries with a framework to assess their state of preparedness and with actioned pathways towards the achievement of universal hand hygiene. Conveners
05:30-06:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Innovative IoT Smart Water Quality Monitoring of piped water supplyWe share innovations and advances from India in deploying Internet-of-Things (IoT) that are low-cost, efficient, adaptable and secure, with real-time water quality monitoring capabilities (WQM). These IoT-WQM systems monitor piped water quality delivered to households driving transparency, grievance redressal, and public health improvement. Conveners
07:00-08:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Valuing human experiences with water to reveal disparities, prioritize actionThe new Water Insecurity Experiences (WISE) Scales reveal disparities in water access and use that have been obscured by traditional measures of availability and infrastructure. We showcase how the scales have been valued by governments, NGOs, and scientists in 50+ countries, and conclude with an interactive training on their use. Conveners
09:30-10:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session STRENGTHENING GROUNDWATER GOVERNANCE IN SADC: MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLEThis session presents an overview of prevailing groundwater development and management challenges in the SADC region and discusses interventions that promote good groundwater governance through i) improvement of Policy, legal, and institutional (PLI) frameworks; ii) effective groundwater knowledge management, and iii) mainstreaming groundwater governance into River Basin Organizations. Conveners
14:00-15:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Unpacking lessons learned from collective action for community water resilienceGap Inc. will unpack lessons learned from a 6-year collective action initiative focused on catalyzing women to improve community water resilience: the USAID Gap Inc Women + Water Alliance. This innovative public private partnership catalyzes women to become change agents for WASH. Conveners
04:00-05:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session GLAAS data informing national sanitation strategies: Continuing the 2019 conversationThe USAID Resilient Waters Program used UN-Water GLAAS survey to conduct a gap analysis and design project activities aligned with national WASH needs. Activities included the National Sanitation Roadmap for Botswana, a municipal faecal sludge management (FSM) case study in Mozambique, and a National FSM Strategy for South Africa. Conveners
05:30-06:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session City Water Compendium: New Approach for Water Sustainable CitiesCity Water Compendium provides insights into an actionable framework at micro level for City Managers to improve water-balance and strengthen institutions to meet the climate change threats. It supports India's new policy to develop sustainable water-positive cities through decentralization, improved local governance, private sector participation, effective monitoring, incentives, and reforms. Conveners
09:30-10:50 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Governing Groundwater: The Why and the HowThe potential and needs of accelerating groundwater development in Sub-Saharan Africa are large; equally large are the challenges to govern the resource sustainably. This session provides new insights on the economic benefits of growing groundwater development and discusses entry points for better managing groundwater resources. Conveners
11:00-12:20 FOCUS AREA: |
Online session Solar irrigation in Africa: Bright future or broken promise?Solar irrigation has been touted as a key climate smart strategy for Africa, and research confirms a large expansion potential. However, actual sales of solar irrigation pumps have remained extremely low. This session shares new insights on what government and private actors need to consider to successfully grow solar irrigation. Conveners
03:00-04:30 FOCUS AREA: |
On-site session307 (Folkets Hus) Seeing the Unseen: Water Data for Transparency and AdvocacyGood decisions about how to protect and manage water rely on good information, accessible and understandable to all who rely on it. This session will highlight innovative examples from around the globe where data collection, accessibility, and transparency provide insights into the value of data for good water governance. Convenors
03:00-04:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session453 Creating Markets and Accessing Finance for Innovative Sanitation TechnologiesThis session addresses questions around what is required to enable viable market creation for utility scale urban sanitation technology innovations. It explores incentives and obstacles governments face in investing in new technologies, challenges entrepreneurs face in bringing and achieving large scale technology uptake, and potential solutions. Conveners
10:00-11:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session451 Insights from Result Based Financing Mechanisms in SanitationThe progress towards universal access to safely managed sanitation is alarmingly off track and it is estimated that efforts need to be quadrupled to achieve the agreed targets by 2030. This session aims at highlighting how Results Based Financing (RBF) can help achieve universal access to safely managed sanitation. Convenors
10:00-11:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session353 How to finance groundwater development? - A framework to unlock investmentsEffective management of groundwater as well as good management and maintenance of the infrastructure is crucial and requires beside technical expertise financial investments and longterm cost recovery. To streamline financial investments into the development of groundwater exploration, extraction, storage and safe distribution requires masstailored funding models. Convenors
08:00-09:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session353 Creating new champions: enhancing links to achieve SDG 6 acrossThis session considers recent research into how the water and sanitation sector could interact more effectively with other developmental areas. It reveals messaging that resonates with other sectors, and how to persuade Heads of State/Government of the ‘value’ of water and sanitation to other political priorities. Conveners
08:00-09:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session357 Valuing water: a necessary step for sustainable development in AfricaAfrica Focus Seminar will be an interactive session of keynote addresses, presentations from technical experts and High-level panel discussion. It will also feature Member States’ experiences from Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Egypt and Rwanda on quantifying and integrating the contributions of natural capital into development planning. Conveners
10:00-11:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session353 'Climate resilient development without sanitation' and other mythsWe have a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to achieve climate resilient development. A critical factor will be to avoid maladaptive responses, which serve to reinforce existing inequalities, vulnerabilities and risks and are difficult and expensive to return from. But how can we avoid maladaptation? As the IPCC report suggests, a holistic view is paramount. One element of that holistic view is however being neglected and may become the Achilles heel of climate resilient development: sanitation. The session will highlight how sanitation is key to the climate resilience of communities and discuss the resourcing and expertise needed to properly embed it in adaptation efforts. Conveners
10:00-11:30 FOCUS AREA: |
Online & On-site session453 Uncovering the value of WASH research through partnershipIn this session USAID will present a new model for identifying and filling implementation research gaps in the WASH sector and how partnership is the key to uncovering its hidden value to ensuring uptake and use.