Final Performance Evaluation of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Small Scale Irrigation


This is a report on the final performance evaluation of the Innovation Lab for Small-Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The evaluation was commissioned by the USAID Bureau for Food Security (BFS) and was independently conducted by an external evaluation team (ET) assembled by the Program Evaluation for Effectiveness and Learning (PEEL) project, led by Mendez England & Associates (ME&A). The purpose of the evaluation was to evaluate the management and implementation of the research program on: 1) identification of technologies and practices as well as related production, environmental, economic, nutrition, and gender impacts; 2) constraints and opportunities; and 3) capacity development and stakeholder engagement. The primary audience for this evaluation is the USAID/BFS, Office of Agricultural Research and Policy/Research Division (ARP-R), and the ILSSI Implementing Partners (IPs).

Publication Date
Produced By
Mendez England & Associates
101 pages