Fact Sheet: SAREL (Sahel Resilience Learning Project)


Following repeated large-scale humanitarian emergencies in the Sahel Region USAID recognized that continuing to treat these recurrent crises as acute emergencies is extremely costly and does not effectively address their underlying causes. Thus, USAID’s Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced (RISE) initiative realigned existing and new humanitarian and development assistance efforts to strengthen resilience in agro-pastoral and marginal agriculture livelihood zones of the Sahel. 

The Sahel Resilience Learning Project (SAREL) works to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders to engage in adaptive, evidence-based learning in order to promote the adoption of methods and innovations that best enhance resilience in the region. SAREL accomplishes this through the following objectives: 

  • Test, expand and accelerate the adoption of proven resilience-enhancing technologies and innovations
  • Develop, test, and promote widespread adoption of new models that integrate humanitarian and development assistance
  • Promote ownership, build the capacity of national and regional institutions, and coordinate humanitarian and development interventions
  • Address gender issues key to resilience and growth
  • Create a knowledge management database that will house a baseline assessment, ongoing monitoring data, and impact evaluations for the RISE Initiative


Fact Sheet
Publication Date
1 page
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