PRO-WASH Pathogens Pathway Study


PRO-WASH is calling on the WASH community to bring proven practices together with new research, innovative technologies, creative policies, and other approaches to develop affordable, sustainable solutions to meet the WASH needs of the vulnerable populations assisted by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) programming.  

For many, the household environment remains highly-contaminated, potentially exposing infants, youth, and children through contaminated food, water, soils, floors, and dirty objects. Growing evidence is reinforcing that, to ensure healthy growth and development, infants and young children need to be less exposed to feces in their environment. Even in the absence of diarrhea, fecal contamination affects nutrient absorption and young children’s resilience to fight infections.

This request for applications (RFA) is designed to provide innovative, context-specific research on strategies for interrupting fecal-oral transmission and reduce overall environmental contamination for the Nawiri (Mercy Corps) Resilience Food Security Activity in Northwestern Kenya.

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