Activity Description
The Kenya Sanitation Enabling Environment Project (KSEEP) is a two-year project working to strengthen the enabling environment for household sanitation and hygiene in Kenya to end open defecati
After the slow progress made by African countries in meeting sanitation-related Millennium Development Goal targets, African governments and sector stakeholders renewed efforts to realize an African sanitation revolution via the “AfricaSan” moveme
UNICEF Hygiene Programing Guidance Note
Understanding Hygiene promotion in the context of Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) and Infection Control and Prevention (IPC) for the COVID-19 outbreak
Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care declared an outbreak of cholera in Harare, Zimbabwe, on September 5, 2018, when 25 patients were admitted to the Beatrice Road Infectious Disease Hospital.
UNICEF launched the Water Under Fire campaign in March 2019 to draw global attention to three fundamental areas where changes are urgently needed to secure access to safe and sustainable water and sanitation in fragile contexts.
Special focus on inequalities' assesses progress made at national, regional and global levels in reducing inequalities in WASH services.
The World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund (WHO/UNI
Integrated Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Response and Prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) with United Nations Children's Fund, International Organization for Migration.
In 2018, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General issued a Global Call to Action to elevate the importance of and prioritize action on WASH in all health care facilities. This document presents eight practical actions that UN member states c
Conduct Hygiene Promotion sessions for affected populations. Construct family latrines at transitional shelters. Conduct assessment of existing water systems and rehab water treatment systems.