Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation in Hualgayoc - Adapting Together (CEDEPAS)

Adapting Together facilitates coordination of actions between:

i) the Municipal Environmental Commission (CAM) of Hualgayoc, which governs its composition, internal structure, operation, powers and obligations, and draws up its environmental management instruments, which are essential for its operation; and

ii) the Local Technical Team for Climate Change (GTCC), which approves its work plan and actively participates in its implementation, highlighting the development
and socialization of the district’s climate change vulnerability study, as well as the beginning of the formulation of the Consultative District Plan for Climate Change (CDPCC) with the participation of the authorities and representatives of the five watersheds in the district of Hualgayoc.

Activity Description

Activity Description


Adapting Together will achieve the following lasting results:

• Stronger capacity of Hualgayoc municipal officials to adapt to climate change — via policy, planning and successful public investment program proposals (including Public Investment Projects, hereafter referred to as PIPs) that draw decentralized financial resources to the district

• Inventory of district water resources and climate projection studies inform policy development and water resource management

• Consultative District Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CDCCAP) approved and being implemented

• Two watershed commissions established and strengthened

• Two watershed management plans developed and implemented

• Reduced conflict over water resources and improved/shared understanding of rights/responsibilities and legitimacy of watershed actors.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

• Stronger capacity of Hualgayoc municipal officials to adapt to climate change — via policy, planning and successful public investment program proposals (including Public Investment Projects, hereafter referred to as PIPs) that draw decentralized financial resources to the district
• Inventory of district water resources and climate projection studies inform policy development and water resource management
• Consultative District Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CDCCAP) approved and being implemented
• Two watershed commissions established and strengthened
• Two watershed management plans developed and implemented
• Reduced conflict over water resources and improved/shared understanding of rights/responsibilities and legitimacy of watershed actors.

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

- Improved the local capacity for environmental governance and natural resource management for CCA in the district of Hualgayoc by 56%.
- 52% of farmers applied water harvesting and irrigation techniques appropriate to their geographic area.
- The local government of Hualgayoc has integrated both CCA-related information and priorities into local policy by 50%.

2014 - 2017
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus
Activity Topics
Implementing Partners