Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands-Accelerated Growth (REGAL-AG)

Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Accelerated Growth is a five-year activity that increases economic growth in rural communities in Kenya by building a more inclusive and competitive livestock value chain. It encourages growth by improving market access and increasing the availability and affordability of inputs and services. It strengthens the links between pastoralists and the buyers of livestock and livestock products. It helps herders increase livestock productivity through improved breeds, and expands the adoption of existing and new livestock services.

The activity supports both men and women in the pursuit of livestock-related economic opportunities by encouraging investments in targeted community-managed infrastructure and by helping to eliminate market constraints. The introduction of private-sector driven innovations reduces risk, and encourages pastoralist communities to adopt new behaviors and new ways of doing business, which will increase their resiliency and ability to absorb the impact of future environmental shocks and stresses.

Activity Description

Activity Description

Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Accelerated Growth improves the enabling environment for economic growth by working with pastoral communities to advocate for improved national policies and additional changes in legislation that will expand their access to critical services and markets. The activity identifies and engages with change agents to create or expand end-market opportunities and catalyze commercial investments in the meat, dairy, and hides and skins value chains. The activity increases livestock productivity by identifying and supporting the development of market-driven solutions that enable pastoralists to access new or improved inputs and services. It increases resilience by ensuring value chain growth is inclusive of women, men, youth and community groups that have the capacity to reach higher value markets, through the use of key partnerships and small-scale, demand-driven investments.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes
  • Improve the enabling environment
  • Expand end market opportunities and catalyzing commercial investments
  • Improve livestock productivity
  • Promote the inclusiveness of women, youth and local groups

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes
  • Identified three market sites for upgrade in Isiolo County, Merti, Eskot and Oldonyiro
  • 2,100 individuals (in 3 months) received shortterm agricultural sector productivity or food security training
  • 653 pastoralists (in 3 months) sensitized on commercial pastoralism and animal health husbandry messages
2013 - 2017
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus