Pani aur Swacchta mein Sajhedari (Partnerships for WASH) (PASS)

PASS promotes healthy outcomes for the poor, especially women and children, in selected slum settlements of Delhi to reduce household poverty by promoting service equity, improving liquid and solid waste management and creating health awareness. TATA Trust and Water Aid are among two of the private sector partners and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board are among the public sector partners. ​

Activity Description

Activity Description

The PASS activity promotes healthy outcomes for the poor, to reduce household poverty by promoting service equity, improving liquid and solid waste management and creating health awareness. The project has eight components: social mobilization, participatory implementation, service upgrading, partnerships, resource mobilization, institutional development and capacity building, policy advocacy and scale up. In the first three years of the activity, efforts were focused in Delhi and Agra. Activities included mapping exercises to identify needs and possible solutions to better understand what types of interventions would encourage changes in daily practices around sanitation. The activities implemented in Delhi and Agra will now be adapted and implemented in Shamli, Jaipur and Dharamshala. The insights gained from working in these five cities will be used to help inform state and national policy making and scale-up efforts, contributing to the Government of India’s Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission, the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), and SMART Cities.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

During the previous year, more than 9,000 households were covered under the project. Activities include mapping exercises to identify needs and possible solutions and community workshops to better understand what types of interventions will encourage changes in behavior. Lessons learnt from Delhi will be used to replicate efforts in Agra.

2015 - 2021
Award Number
Funding Level
Population Focus
Activity Topics
