El Alto-Lake Titicaca Pollution Management Project

During Construction

RTI is responsible for the implementation of the Project "Pollution Management in the Alto-Lago Titicaca Hydrographic Hub" (PROLAGO), which began in FY 2009 and has as a general objective "to contribute to the improvement of health and environmental quality reducing risks and threats to residents and biodiversity in the Hub Hydrographic El Alto-Lake Titicaca ". To operate in Bolivia, IRG created the Accidental Association PROLAGO and currently Engility Corporation is the name of the company to which IRG belongs.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

The Project expects to: 

  • Promote the reduction of risks that impact on quality and environmental health.
  • Promote the sustainable use of natural resources in the area of ​​influence of the Draft.
  • Strengthen public-private actors generating a change in behavior towards search for actions aimed at improving environmental quality in the area of ​​influence.
2008 - 2013
Award Number
EPP-I-00-04-00024-02 TO05
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
