New: Global Water Strategy High-Priority Country Plans

Global Water Strategy 2023 USAID Annual Report

Photo credit: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) will host World Water Week from August 25–29, 2024. This year’s theme, Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, recognizes the regional and global interconnectivity of communities and nations, and underscores the collaborative…
How to Use USAID’s Local Data Mapping Tool for Insights into Water and Sanitation Access
USAID’s Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program’s Local Data Mapping Tool allows users to explore and compare Admin 1 estimates, modeled Admin 2 estimates, and modeled estimates at a resolution of 5x5 km of key water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) indicators. On World Water Day, USAID’s…
A New Law, a Spark of Reform: What the Democratic Republic of the Congo can teach us about WASH governance
Sometimes, the strongest form of leadership is trying something new when the old way is not working.
Meet USAID’s 2024 Water Warriors
On this World Water Day, and every day, USAID champions its staff who work with local partners and communities around the world to increase sustainable access to water and sanitation, and strengthen water resources management. Each year, USAID recognizes the water security and sanitation leaders…

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